Call for Papers
Instructions for Presenting Authors:
Kadir Has University (KHAS) is located at a very central location at Cibali, Historical peninsula of Istanbul, close to Istanbul M2 Metro Line (Haliç stop, 10 min. walk), T5 Tram line (Cibali stop, 1 min. walk). Here is a link to access to campus. KHAS D-block is the building with a GLASS Structure, you will notice the conference flags in front of the building entrance. Security will check your name on a list and admit you to the building. Here is a virtual tour of the campus.
1) You will see the registration desk by the entrance inside the D-Block. Once you register and collect your badge and bag in the Registration Booth, you can visit your session location at the entrance level. Guest wifi password is also available at the registaion desk. D-Block Great Hall is at the second level. Badges are required at all sessions and social programme, please keep it with you during the conference. If you need assistance, EEM24 volunteers will be there to help you.
2) The EEM24 conference program is available at the EEM24 and conftool
3) All rooms are equipped with a booth that includes a PC (with Windows operating system, internet connection and USB memory slots) and a touch screen. There is either a wide touch screen LCD by the board or a projector in each room. If you need a laser pointer, you can bring your own. You can prepare your presentation for 16:9 size (best fit to screen). Please have your USB memory stick with your presentation. Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe PDF Reader programs are installed in each PC. We suggest that you have your own presentation ready in both PDF and PPTX/PPT formats in a USB memory stick.
4) If there is any technical issue with PCs or screen/projector, please call the EEM24 volunteers who will be present in the room. Technical staff will be called and help you out.
5) Each session has 5 to 7 papers and lasts for 90 minutes The time for each paper presentation should not exceed: 8 minutes for presentation and 4 minutes for Q&A. 1 minute is for introduction of a paper and presenter as well as transitions. It is very important that the total of 13 minutes is kept so that attendees can always know when to attend their interested papers.
Instruction for Authors:
Final Full Paper Submission
Once authors get the final notification about papers, they are invited to prepare the full final version. All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore. For that reason, upon final notification about the accepted papers, authors are invited to resubmit the full paper by 19th of May 2024 using the IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compatibility with IEEE Xplore’s formatting guidelines. The final version of accepted papers for oral presentations at the conference need to be prepared as follows:
- Check the Results of the Review and take reviewer comments into account. Please re-check your paper to match the EEM24 Conference paper template for Headings, Style, Figure/Table caption (positioning and style), and Reference style. Remember to add your names and other information, that was not in the blind review version.
- Before creating your PDF, please add the following copyright notice to the footer (left align) of the first page of your document. For most authors, the last option is the correct one:
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-8174-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-8174-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 979-8-3503-8174-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE
As a reference, you can use the paper template or browse the IEEE Xplore database for previous conference publications.
- Create a PDF version of your paper using the IEEE PDF eXpress tool. In order to generate the PDF-file, proceed to the link:
If you are a first-time user, click on the Create an Account and enter the conference ID code 60825X. Then enter your email address and set a password.
If you are already registered in PDF eXpress (previous conference submissions via PDF eXpress) then login, enter your password and enter the conference ID 60825X.
For each conference paper you co-authored, click on “create new title”, enter the title of the paper and upload your Word file. Upon successful completion, you will receive an email with your converted PDF-file or in the case that an incompatibility was detected, a report detailing why it failed will be sent to you. In this case, please correct the indicated problems and resubmit the Word document.
- Please make sure to complete and sign the IEEE Copyright Form.
The IEEE Copyright Form can be signed directly through CONFTOOL and the button to start the process (named: Electronic Copyright Form) is located right below the button for Submission of the Final Version. Please check the figure below:
To sign the form, please click on the button: Electronic Copyright Form and on the next page click on the button: Submit Contribution Details to IEEE to Start the Signing Process. Once you complete the signing process, you should receive IEEE Copyright Form (pdf) by email from IEEE Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Office. If you did not receive this IEEE Copyright Form (pdf) by email, please contact the IEEE IPR Office at [email protected].
- Use the CONFTOOL conference system to upload your full paper PDF (created with IEEE PDF eXpress) and IEEE Copyright Form PDF. Therefore, login to your user account and upload the files in the section: Your Submissions.
- All papers submitted to EEM24 must be presented to the audience through oral presentation. Time for each paper presentation should not exceed 8 minutes for presentation and 4 minutes for discussion/questions. You may use EEM24 presentation template or your own templates.
Paper and presentation proposals are being invited in the following or related technical track topic areas:
- Operation of energy and carbon markets: modelling, simulation, and analysis
Appropriate tools are required for analysis and assessment of energy systems and markets. This category encompasses topics such as technical and economic modelling of energy markets and systems, model uncertainty, analysis of energy price evolution, forecasting, portfolio management, carbon market etc.
- Market integration of renewable energy sources
Increasing the share of renewable energy sources in European energy systems presents a multitude of present and future challenges. Approaches and solutions will be presented and discussed – e.g., decarbonization of the power sector, security and flexibility of supply, integration of regional electrical energy markets, demand side management, economic aspects of climate change, etc.
- Infrastructure development and management
Integrating the European Energy Markets as well as the expansion of renewable energies requires infrastructure development and management. This comprises topics such as grid expansion, interconnections, ancillary services, congestion management, trading imbalances, investment analyses, transmission and distribution asset management, pricing models, incentives for investments, etc.
- Technical advances, new services, and market actors in integrated energy systems and communities
Energy communities offer a democratic approach to energy system decentralization and decarbonization. Of particular interest are energy communities empowered by localized generation of clean electricity and/or heat, as well as those involving some type of energy storage. This category addresses technical topics related to the operations, planning and design of integrated community energy systems composed by dispersed resources, including microgrids and electrical islands. At the same time, it is relevant to depict novel business and ownership models that will help accelerate the change to a decentralized paradigm, as well as new local market structures, and emerging actors. Lastly, this topic welcomes contributions related to the governance structures of energy collectives, including related policy challenges.
- E-mobility and storage technologies
The recent advancements in the E-mobility segment will drastically affect the energy sector. This category includes the analysis of electric vehicle charging profiles and strategies, including bidirectional charging, and the assessment of impacts and benefits on distribution grids (e.g., vehicle charging flexibility as a grid resource). In terms of stationary energy storage, the following topics of innovative business cases, emerging market trends & applications, challenges to the development of energy storage, energy storage market design and regulatory frameworks, etc. will be considered.
- Energy citizenship and energy justice
End-users are expected to assume an increasingly central role in Europe’s energy transition, whether by actively aiming for energy efficiency, by producing and storing renewable energy locally, or by adjusting their consumption patterns to the power system’s constraints. At the same time many consumers lack the information, or the resources needed to engage in behavioral change or in different types of energy investments. This category welcomes studies addressing energy citizenship, energy justice, and energy poverty, as well as methods and tools to empower the role of the citizens in the energy transition.
- Energy & climate policy and regulation
Energy policy addresses the economic, environmental, political, planning, and social aspects of energy supply. This category includes topics that confront decision-makers, corporate planners, managers, consultants, politicians, and researchers. Climate policy focuses on the de-carbonization of the power sector, economics of climate change and stakeholder vision on the future power system. Technical and economic efficiency is essential for a modern electrical energy system. Options such as cogeneration, production and demand management, efficient use of energy in household and industry as well as policies and analyses will be presented and discussed. Furthermore, problems and solutions in energy transition and net-zero emission targets will be considered.
- Hydrogen economy: technologies and strategies
Hydrogen is currently enjoying unprecedented political and business momentum, with the number of policies and projects expanding rapidly. The related topics include, but are not limited to: environmental aspects and impact of hydrogen energy technologies, economics of hydrogen energy applications, hydrogen in smart grids, hydrogen storage & infrastructure, market and deployment of hydrogen technologies, hydrogen valleys, power-to-X (P2X) products and applications etc.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 28.01.2024
Abstract notification: 11.02.2024
Full paper submission: 31.03.2024
Final Notification: 05.05.2024
Submission of final version of full paper: 19.05.2024
Early bird registration: 26.05.2024
Conference: 10.-12.06.2024
Center for Energy and Sustainable Development
Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Türkiye

Format and submissons
Abstracts and full papers should be submitted using the ConfTool system (which also requires a registration). Please be aware that your abstract can contain text only and that the recommended length is 400 words. The template for abstract submission can be found here.
The full paper has 5 page limit for the content (including title + abstract with keywords), references can be added on the next page. In case that your paper content exceeds 5 pages we would ask you to add additional graphs/tables/equations in Appendix, which comes after the reference section. Authors please prepare the full papers using the IEEE Template for Conference Papers.
The working language of the conference is English. All accepted papers for EEM24 must be presented to the audience through oral presentation.
All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore. See “Instructions for Authors“ section for details.