Title: Vehicle-for-Everything (V4X): Empowering Energy Citizens through EV-Driven Flexibility Markets
Bio: Vahid Vahidinasab is an Associate Professor of Smart Power and Energy Systems, Leader of Sustainable Energy Research Group (SERG), and Director of NTU-GridLab at Nottingham Trent University (NTU), Nottingham, UK. The focus of his research is on the development of local energy systems and markets with an emphasis on the development of innovative solutions to empower people and communities and enhance the resilience of energy systems in the transition toward net-zero. He has more than two decades of experience in academia and industry and is a committed volunteer for professional organizations. In addition, he has a remarkable record of attracting significant external funds and effectively managing large-scale industrial projects, in addition to his extensive involvement in 12 large and complex national and international projects. He is the Vice Chair of UK and Ireland IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Springer Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, Subject Editor of IET Smart Grid, IET GTD, and Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vahid is the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor Research Excellence Award and the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2023.
Monday 10th June