Title: Empowering Türkiye's Energy Future: The Role of Digital Transformation in Energy Transition
Bio: Dr. Yardimci graduated from the Middle East Technical University (Türkiye), Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering in 2004. He joined an Executive Program on economics of regulation in the Michigan State University (USA) in 2008. Afterwards, he participated in Master of Law (LL.M.) at the PennState University (USA) between 2013-2015. He completed Ph.D. on finance in the Hacettepe University (Türkiye) in 2016 and held a post-doctorate research at the University of Oxford, St Antony’s College, South East European Studies (UK) between 2019-2021. He had been working as a reservoir engineer in an international oil company before he was recruited by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) of Türkiye. He has been working for EMRA since 2006 and currently serving as the Head of the Digital Transformation Group under the Energy Transition Department. He held teaching positions at undergraduate and graduate levels in several universities. He teaches energy economics, financing energy investments and economics of regulation.
Tuesday 11th June